The ‘Time Factor’ in my e-learning research project


The Time Factor in Elearning seminar has been quite interesting and has brought clarity to determine the key elements in management of time required by our research project.

This work has been done initially by considering the general aspects of the concept of time, and later by focusing our analysis on specific characteristics of the time in teaching and learning processes in higher education. From this new concretion, now we’ll try to relocate our research goals.

In the other hand, the Time Factor is a tranversal research line in the present Elearn Center doctorate programs, so it is mandatory to consider the relationships between this central concepy and the work of the researchers.

Therefore, at this (provisional) stage of our research project’s development, we are going to point out the Time Factor elements that we believe must be present in it.

The basis of our research project

Our PhD research project has as a preliminar and provisional title the following: Identification and assessment of the consultant role in the postgraduate studies of the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). This research deals with the improvement of the consultant role in the UOC’s pedagogic model of teaching and learning, specifically in postgraduate courses. The research had its starting point in a work developed within the Introduction to Research in Elearning Seminar, that is the final stage of the Master in Education and ICT (Elearning) studies, conducted by this open university. That work is called Final Research Work (in spanish, TFI). Because of this, our project is currently starting on a previous solid base.

Anyway, we still submit our work to an in-depth analysis, to determine lacks in our assumptions and methodology. According with this, we must readjust our research questions. Until this process is not completed we will be unable to establish with precision the dimensions of our work in wich the time factor is involved.

In short, in the present state of our research project, it has not yet been entirely determided the scope of it and all the dimensions to consider, or whether it is necessary to diversify the methodology initially proposed.


The Time Factor in our research project

So, assuming the reservations expressed in the previous section, we can identify the time factor presence in different moments of the research already done. Some of the considered variables in our precedent work are built upon the idea of that the use of technologies in teaching and learning processes, and the virtual framework in wich the learning takes place, has an essential temporal component that is critic to consider when the researcher develops the criteria for designing an effective evaluation of consultant tasks.

For instance, this assumption is particulary visible in the variable ‘Comunication’ that was present in our TFI, and will be kept in our PhD project. This variable considers the importance of time factor when bringing feedback to the students doubts, answers and assessed assignments.

Now, in the context of the forthcoming thesis, we will extend the presence of time dimension in the new research. That would be redesigning the variables needed in light of new research questions that will be incorporated in the PhD project.

In relation to the time factor dimensions outlined in the collaborative map, the main areas that affect our research work are:

  • Academic Time (Teacher time and Student time). The managing of time by the learning actors while they are doing academic tasks. This “time” is often depending on previous factors, as lesson plans, course structure, activities scheduling…
  • Technology time. We’re going to reckon the impact of learning environments and computer mediated communication in the effectiveness of the consultant tasks. How consultant and students are using technology for enhancing their teaching-learning processes.
  • Habits. the management of time as a part of a general strategies for managing time in the distribution of tasks in collaborative activities and assignments. Importance of self-awareness and self-efficacy.