Time factor in e-Learning: a mind map

This is a collaborative mind-map about «Time Factor in E-Learning». It was created during the Time Factor Doctorate Seminar (March-June, 2011) conducted by Margarida Romero (UOC). The developing of the map was the seminar’s initial task. All of the map’s authors are mentioned in it.

Recommended citation:

-Romero, M., Anglada, O., Esposito, A., Llorens, F., Sabulsky, G., Vazquez, A., Castro, P., Franco-Casamitjana, M., Izquierdo, J.V., Hettiarachchi, E., Perez-Poch A., Quesada, A.V., Medina, J.L. (2011). Collaborative concept map of the litterature review of the Time Factor in E-learning. Time Factor Doctorate Research Seminar. UOC. Available online https://www.mindmeister.com/maps/show/83619114